I'm in love with my own sins
I would have been watching Alvin and the Chipmunks II(LIKE I'VE WANTED TO SINCE TWO WEEKS AGO!!!) to put my very lazy weekend to a closure right now, but carelessness got the better of me every other time, and it's probably the 3rd time happening already to leave my hard disk plugged into Derek's desktop. Thank god it's not the next weekend that I'll be seeing him to get it. He'll be booking out tmr and baby if you read this just before you come over to fetch me from work...... Remember to bring it bcos I really would die without my daily night virtue of watching either a movie I just downloaded, or one episode of Gossip Girl/Skins/Family Guy.
Alternative for the night:
1. Updating this place with a really pictureless plus full-gear rant post
2. Try again to upload 3 albums worth of pictures to Facebook again after my 57th failed attempt.
Explains a lot on why the 160GB hard disk is so important to me now, doesn't it? My alternative isn't all that better of an alternative.
Anyway, one of the three albums I'm uploading would be pictures of the pups I have up for sale. My dad said to resort to the high-tech way to sell them online, but if any of you are interested do drop me a msg yes? They're two months old Miniature Schuanzers, I have two females and one's Salt and Pepper colour, while the other's white. I'm sure you've seen pictures of Rex and Jay and obviously their puppies gonna be so much cuter right!!!
So, my best friend Shahirah Bte Abdul Azhur Price is halfway across the other side of the globe and probably having the best time of her life in Switzerland alone. Hopefully she remembers to buy Lucky Strike back for us while duty-free shopping, at least it doesn't make me so bitter that I'm still stuck here in SG only halfway through my fucken internship.
The girls and I are planning on heading somewhere near around mid July when Jo's back in town. Can it please happen this time???? We've been talking about this for close to a year..
Can't wait for the month to come to an end, because both my and my boyfriend's account are squeezed dry from... splurging on good food every weekend. And now that he's out on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday as well, it has became a 5 splurges/week upgrade plan on our wallets.
I didn't even have money to top up petrol today that Derek had to pay for me :(
Current Checklist
1) Swimming at Shearen's in the noon
2) Toiletries shopping.
3) Pack the room
4) Clear the clothes cos you're running out on hangers
5) If (4) fails, Ikea for more hangers
6) Library for Nicholas Sparks
7) Clear the shoe rack
8) Iron Man 2 at night
9) Get the iPhone
Weekends are meant for rest.
But you could do it.
Since I'm waiting for my nails to dry(well, pretty redundant to right now since they'll probably all be chipped by the time I'd finished typing this sentence), I have to tell you about my best Ebay buy ever.
Things just couldn't get more perfect when the bid was scheduled to end on a Sunday noon and I bidded over lunch with Derek at my place. Even though the final bid was outrageous.. It's ok I save $200USD as compared to retail price. No one could beat that HELLO??!?
Ok what the fuck now I'm blogging like I'm all that shit. But I can't contain my excitement and also waiting for my adaptor to reach me so I could attach all the lens on my Canon.
Lucky I didn't listen to Derek about giving up on the bid when it got so out of hand as compared to the start bid price, or it would have been the 2nd biggest regret of my life if I didn't get it.
1st regret would be to have listen to my boyfriend about not bidding, that is.
AND IT'S NOT EVEN THE EDITION ABOVE, it's the Blackjack limited edition so limited I couldn't find a stock picture of it online.
Right, I really need more tips on how to use Diana. Got to consult Wj, or does any of my friends out there have a Diana and I don't know you do???
Ok nails officially chipped already. Bye!
It felt little harder to pull through this week, even though I was on MC for two consecutive days. No kidding kind of MC - I was at the polyclinic on Tuesday and they referred me to the hospital the following day for a scan. I think my manager think I geng ga liao cos I came back to work after my MC with a spanking new haircut on Thurs.
Hence, she marked me down on my attendance and punctuality. Blame it on the fact that I failed to send a msg on Tues morning to inform her that I wouldn't be coming to work.
PHAIL UTTM. (ultimately to the max)
So yeah, I'm on medication and I have another appointment next Wednesday for my scanning results. When I took my weight I realised I gained 3kg hitting my highest weight record everrrrr and I was depressed for 7 minutes. And another 3 minutes later on when my mum rubbed salt into my wound by saying, 'wah you lighter than me only by 6 kg.' Sometimes I really don't know why she's my mum.
So I had some 'me' time for the two days, and yeah it was mthrfckin good I tell you. I think I went back to work with more radiance today teeheehee.
Decided that I shouldn't continue to blog like I'm
'all that shit' (looks at price) bcos my facebook is already the shit. Like LAZZZZZZZZYY :(
Saturday's in 24 hours, and I can't wait to see you :)